TikTok SEO: How To Optimize Videos For TikTok Search

Rochella Providence

So the secret’s out!

TikTok is basically the new Google!  Well…kinda.

Although the app is known as an entertainment platform, data shows that 40% of TikTok’s GenZ users are using it as a search engine. 

If you want your brand to rank at the top, then optimizing your TikTok content based on SEO ranking factors should now be one of your main priorities. 

You’ll have to focus on combining search engine optimization with TikTok ranking factors for each video you create. The goal is to perfect your TikTok SEO strategy so your brand’s visibility can increase. 

Now how do you do that?

Glad you asked 😌

In the rest of this post, we’ll highlight the best tips for optimizing your video content for TikTok search and the special tools you can use to beef up your TikTok SEO strategy. 

Let’s go! 

SEO Basics and Why You Should Know About It

Google search bar and mobile phone

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves adjusting (optimizing) your brand’s content across various social media platforms so users can easily find and connect with your brand via Google search.

Not only does SEO improve visibility in search results, but it also allows customers to find your product or service as fast as possible. SEO best practices include keyword research, link-building efforts, and content performance monitoring.

If used strategically, these practices will help you create content that's tailored to your specific audience, resulting in more organic traffic for your business.

A thorough SEO strategy will give your brand the competitive edge it needs to reach new customers via Google's search engine and increase your revenue.

And the same holds true for the up-and-coming TikTok search engine. So, let's get into that.

What Does TikTok Even Want?

social media engagement via TikTok SEO

Just like Google, TikTok has its own set of internal rules that decide what content is shown to a larger audience. To understand how to make the app work for your brand, you should at least know what influences TikTok's search results.

There are criteria that your TikTok videos have to meet to catch the algorithm’s eye, and eventually your target audience.

TikTok recommends content based on user interactions, video information, and device and control settings. 

With these factors in mind, let’s dive into the tips to supercharge your TikTok SEO. 

Your Target Audience: Be Obsessed with Them 

You need to be obsessed with your target audience. Keyword research should feed that obsession. Specifically, TikTok keyword research ...

What are they looking for? What are they saying? How are they saying it?

Just like traditional search engine optimization, TikTok SEO involves using the right keywords. Adding them to your TikTok videos will help your content to surface at the top within your niche. 

You can find high-volume and relevant keywords by typing your keyword options into the TikTok search bar, and TikTok will auto-populate the most popular keywords based on your entry. 

Here's how Michelle Fang, Head of Social at Safara Travels does it.

Michelle Fang on keyword research for TikTok SEO

You can also use keyword research tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Optimatik.

Optimatik is currently the only TikTok SEO toolkit with a keyword research tool available to help you find what people are searching for, specifically on TikTok. 

On to tip #2!

Put It in the Chat … and Everywhere Else

Remember, TikTok recommends content based on video information. 

So, once you’ve compiled your list of high-volume and relevant keywords within your niche, use them everywhere! 

Michelle Fang on keyword search volume for TikTok SEO

Add your related keywords to the video text, video speech, captions, automated closed captions, and of course…good ole niche hashtags. 

We’ll elaborate below on a hashtag strategy specifically for visibility on TikTok search. 

#Tagit So They Can Grab It

“The more the merrier” rule for hashtag usage might not be the best route when it comes to content visibility on social media platforms. It's no different for your TikTok content.

Hashtags are a must. No doubt. And they go hand in hand with the right keywords in finding relevant content.

But it’s a good idea to stick to a group of 3-5 strong hashtags so your caption can remain front and center. 

You can use Optimatik's Keyword Research tool to find the most trending TikTok hashtags and the most popular hashtags within your niche. You should choose a mixture of broad and niche-specific hashtags to use. 

This strategy keeps your content clear, concise, and strategically relevant to your audience. 

Add your related keywords to the video text, video speech, captions, automated closed captions, and of course…good ole niche hashtags. 

We’ll elaborate below on a hashtag strategy specifically for visibility on TikTok search. 

Add your related keywords to the video text, video speech, captions, automated closed captions, and of course…good ole niche hashtags. 

We’ll elaborate below on a hashtag strategy specifically for visibility on TikTok search. 

Track Your Rankings 

Like any other strategy, your TikTok SEO strategy will be at its best when it’s constantly monitored. Because there’s always room for improvement. 

Regularly tracking and analyzing your video performance will help you understand what content and methods resonate with your audience the most. 

Pay attention to what people are saying in your highest-ranking videos. Reuse hashtags that gained traction. Let your engagement level guide your methods and the content you share for future videos. 

Michelle Fang on ranking via TikTok search

You can also take advantage of a host of social media analytics to track your progress. Optimatik’s rank tracker tool will allow you to monitor the rankings of your videos for the keywords that you care about, specifically on TikTok. 

Quick Recap:

  • Be obsessed with your audience. Know their keywords. The more you know, the better your content.
  • Put the keywords EVERYWHERE. Wherever there’s video information, your keywords should be present (naturally!)
  • #Tagit so they can grab it. Use a combo of 3-5 broad and niche-specific hashtags. Sometimes less is more. 
  • Track your rankings. Monitor your video performance and pay attention to what people are saying. Use these insights and other tools to guide content creation. 

Apply these tips to level up your TikTok SEO strategy and remember, consistency is key! Let us know how it goes.

And feel free to share extra TikTok SEO tips you think we should add to the list.