Optimatik Hosts Responsible AI Innovation Panel During LA Tech Week 2023

Rochella Providence

Optimatik is proud to have been part of #LATechWeek by hosting and moderating a panel featuring leading experts to discuss “The Future of AI: Pioneering Responsible Innovation.” 

As technological advancements continue to revolutionize industries, there's an increased need for intentional conversations around ethical development.

We believe that by weaving our responsibility into innovation, we can foster a transparent and powerful revolution that enhances our world. 

At the panel, experts discussed how industry leaders and business owners can take proactive steps towards building responsible AI solutions. 

They explored topics such as: 

• How do we create trust and transparency with customers? 

• What does ethical decision-making look like in practice? 

• What role does data privacy play when developing AI products? 

• How can we ensure the safety of vulnerable populations when deploying AI technologies? 

• What are some best practices for responsible innovation?  

Here are what some attendees had to say and some special snapshots.

See original tweet here

See original post here

The conversation was both informative and inspiring as attendees gained valuable insights on how to build responsible AI solutions in their own projects.

At Optimatik, we believe it's important for everyone to be involved in these conversations if we want to develop innovative solutions that benefit all people.

We look forward to continuing this dialogue with the tech community as we strive towards responsible innovation!