From AI to Aesthetic: 5 Tips to Edit Your AI Product Photos to Perfection

Rochella Providence

If you're not quite satisfied with your product photo, that's not a bad sign.

Think of it like making a diamond. You have to start with a rough stone and work to refine it. 

Editing your AI product photo is like polishing a gem, perfecting the image so it shines and dazzles. 

Even if you've already used AI-generated images, post-processing is a vital step to get the most appealing results and boost conversions. 

In this blog, we'll break down the key considerations for editing your AI product photos.

Choosing the Right Editing Software

When you're editing your AI product photos, it's important to choose the right software for the job. There are lots of options available, so it can get overwhelming. 

The key things to consider when making your choice are how easy the software is to use, whether it works on your computer, and if it has the features you need - for example exposure adjustments, color grading and touch-ups. 

It's also useful to look for software that lets you make changes without risking damage to the original image. 

Once you've considered these factors, you can research and compare different options to find the best software for your editing needs and budget.

From Adobe Photoshop to CyberLink PhotoDirector 365, here’s a curated list of some of the most professional photo editing software on the market. 

Brands like Luminar Neo, Pixlr, and Canva also offer great AI editing platforms as well.

Optimatik allows you to create and edit your AI product photos by learning your unique preferences.

The only way you’ll know which is right for you is by getting your feet wet. 

Adjusting Lighting and Shadows

product photo lighting and shadows

Good product photos need good lighting. No surprise there. 

Adjusting the lighting is an important factor in making your images look great. 

You can use different techniques, such as changing exposure, highlights, and shadows, to fine-tune the brightness and contrast of your image. 

Remember to pay attention to the light sources in your photo and make changes here and there to achieve a natural look. 

You can use the dodge and burn technique to brighten or darken specific areas. Learning how to manipulate lighting can make your AI product photos look much better.

Fine-tuning Colors and Textures

AI product photo color shoot

To achieve the best results for your product pictures, you can’t afford to ignore color and texture enhancements. 

Start by adjusting color temperature, saturation, and vibrance to make sure the colors are both accurate and appealing, with emphasis on the accuracy. 

The last thing you want is to drown out the real colors of your product. That can lead to customer dissatisfaction when a buyer receives the product, and it doesn't match up to the images they saw online. We don't want that.

You can use tools like the clarity and sharpening adjustments to enhance the details and textures of the product. 

Consider applying color grading techniques to create a consistent visual style across all your AI product photos. 

This will give your product image a cohesive and professional look.

Refining Details and Composition

AI image detail

To make your AI product photos look great, it's important to focus on small details and composition during the editing stage. 

You can achieve this by using tools that'll sharpen and reduce noise for high-quality images. You can also change the photos' orientation and crop them to improve the composition and get rid of anything distracting. 

Retouching tools can also come in handy when you're removing anything that looks blurry, dusty, or unwanted. 

These little tweaks will make sure your AI product photos look great and convey the intended message perfectly.

Exporting and Optimizing Your AI Product Photos

Once you’re finished editing your photos, make sure to export and optimize them properly for the best outcome. 

It would be a shame to have done all that refining only to have the quality plummet for not following platform guidelines. 

Choose the correct file format based on where your images will be used and for what reason. 

Then adjust the photo's compression settings carefully to balance its quality with the file size. 

For social or web platforms, make sure to resize them to the suggested dimensions to improve loading times. 

Always do your due diligence to review platform requirements so the visual quality of your images stays just the way you want it. 


Remember - you’re the diamond maker. Experiment with different editing tools and styles to discover your unique approach and refine it over time. 

Follow these best practices and techniques to cut and polish your photos to dazzling perfection. 

From this point on, AI is only gonna get better and faster. So, expect even more sophisticated tools and capabilities in the future of AI product photo editing.