How to Create Product Photos with AI

Rochella Providence

If you stumbled upon this post, then you clearly have a decent understanding that product photos play a crucial role in the world of marketing. 

When shopping online, customers heavily rely on visual cues to make purchasing decisions. These details may seem like nothing, but a high-quality product image can be the difference between capturing a customer's attention and losing them to a competitor. 

It’s the little things that count.

Generative AI has made mind blowing advancements, enabling businesses to produce stunning AI product photos and additional marketing creatives much faster, cheaper, and easier than ever before. 

By leveraging the power of AI, your company can enhance their visual content, attract more customers, and drive conversions.

But you knew that already, right?

So, let's get into how to create product photos with AI.

Understanding AI-Generated Product Photos

AI product photo shoot with makeup

AI-generated product photos are created with the help of algorithms in artificial intelligence. These algorithms analyze lots of pictures to learn their features, styles, and essence, and then generate new images that resemble the desired aesthetic. 

To produce a product photo, the AI model takes a set of input parameters that define the desired characteristics of the image, such as the product type, color, style, and background. 

These parameters can be specified by the user or determined automatically based on the intended purpose of the image. For instance, if the product is a piece of clothing, you can specify the color, fit, and fabric type, while the background could be selected to match a particular setting.

Steps To Create Product Photos With AI

Creating AI product photos will become a natural and fun process once you get comfortable with your chosen software. Remember, AI’s goal is to make these processes as easy and stress-free as possible while giving you exactly what you want. 

Here’s some quick steps to follow until you become an AI product photo pro.

  • Step 1: Select the right tool or creative AI platform that suits your business needs. There are several AI-driven software solutions available, ranging from standalone applications to cloud-based platforms. If you’re an online seller, here’s a list of the best apps you can use to generate awesome AI product photos.

  • Step 2: Once you’ve chosen the tool, you need to prepare your product images and data. This involves gathering high-quality images and organizing them in a structured manner.

  • Step 3: Customize the AI settings and style preferences. This includes specifying the desired lighting, colors, and other parameters to ensure the generated photos align with your brand aesthetic.

  • Step 4: Generate and optimize your AI product photos. After setting up the preferences, the AI tool will generate your photos. It’s super important review and fine-tune the results, making any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcome. This iterative process helps refine your photos and ensures they come out looking exactly the way you want.

Enhancing Your AI Product Photos 

Photo lighting enhancement with Heinz mustard

Those steps will give you a great base to make stellar AI-powered product photos. But for the extra-ambitious, the option is there to enhance your photos even further. 

There’s always room for improvement, right? 

AI can be a valuable asset in enhancing product photos through retouching and editing. You can automatically remove imperfections, adjust colors, and enhance details, resulting in polished and professional-looking images. 

Another area where AI excels is in improving image quality, lighting, and background. The algorithms can intelligently adjust lighting conditions, correct exposure levels, and remove unwanted elements from the background, ensuring that the product remains the center of attention.

The goal with added enhancement should always be to make your images more appealing and grab your customers’ attention. 

Integrating AI Product Photos Into Your Workflow 

Once you’ve created and suitably modified your AI product photos, now’s the time to put them on display. 

You’ll need to format and optimize your photos for whichever platforms on which they’ll be showcased. Each platform may have specific image requirements, such as dimensions or file size, that need to be met for optimal display.

For bigger companies, efficiently managing large-scale product photo generation is crucial. This may involve automating the process, batch processing images, or leveraging cloud-based solutions to handle the workload effectively.


There you have it! 

That's how you create product photos with AI. 

Using AI is a great way to ensure the highest quality visuals for your products. And it’s rapidly becoming the norm now that technology can offer clarity and limitless expression with less time, cost and effort on your part. 

With the right approach and tools, product imagery can captivate customers' attention and inspire them to take action. And always remember it's important to track the impact of your images. 

By monitoring metrics like click-through, bounce, and conversion rates, you can assess the effectiveness of your photos and make data-driven decisions to optimize your visual content strategy.